In 1995, MHS researcher and author Ken Lamb published the first of the military books that reported on the men and women of Milton who served in times of conflict. Ken’s book “Milton Remembers World War II 1939-1945” set the standard for the rest of us to follow.

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The first step in the development of the web based story of Milton’s Soldiers started in 2005 as a web based blog. The project initially dealt only with the soldiers of the Great War of 1914-1921 but later expanded to cover all the major conflicts, both prior to and after that period. How the research was completed and the site developed are described in these two sections, each initially being the index pages of the Milton Soldiers project:

This section of the web site now provides information on the men and women of Milton (and the surrounding area) in all the other major conflicts of our time:

As time and resources permit, other sections will be added to cover the modern day peacekeeping missions and police actions. War has not been declared since 1939 (i.e. Korea was not a declared war) but Canadian men and women, perhaps some from Milton, have continued to serve in many theatres of conflict as peacekeepers (Middle East, Balkans), police (Congo, Haiti), reserves (Europe, Canada), humanitarians and most recently as combat troops (Afghanistan).

The history of those that served from Milton is also recorded in MHS projects that are not time or conflict specific:

The links on this page will be activated once the pages have been moved to the new site. In the interim, please use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to go to these topics on the old site.