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A Very Short History of Milton The Martin family – Jasper, Sarah, and their two young sons – left Northumberland, England, to immigrate to Canada in 1821. They settled the area now comprising Martin Street and the Mill Pond north of Main Street. Here Jasper Martin started a gristmill using power...
Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop8 months agoHistoric Property: This photo appeared in the 1857-1907 Milton Semi-Centennial Booklet. At that time Dr. Hugh McColl, a local family physician lived here from 1899 to 1936. The home was built by Joseph McCollum in 1882 and was typical of the period to feature yellow brick trim around windows and corners.''
#MiltonON #HistoricProperties Milton Historical Society & Waldie's Blacksmith Shop8 months agoJune 22, is Loyalists Day, which was given Royal Assent and passed into law by the Ontario Government to commemorate Loyalist our history. This is celebrated every year by members of the United Empire Loyalist Association.
In general, the United Empire Loyalists were those who had been settled in the 13 colonies at the outbreak of the American Revolution, who remained loyal to the British crown and took up the Royal Standard, and who settled in what is now Canada at the end of the war.